The Egyptian Association for
Health Economics (EAHE)

Upcoming Events


Evidence based decision making is the norm in the health
care system in Egypt


Mainstreaming the utilization of health economics in
decision making


  • Increase awareness about the role of health economics in decision making in Egypt.
  • Scientific evaluation of the health care system.
  • Policy recommendations based on scientific research findings & develop white papers highlighting implications of new policies and implementation roadmap.
  • Health decision makers development.
  • Developing capacities on different technical levels.
  • Increase publication rate in the field of Health Economics from Egypt.
  • International collaboration initiatives focusing on experience exchange in health policies.
  • Conduct international workshops for top decision makers to interchange
    experience with other countries
  • Support health economics students and health economists to progress in the
    field and find relevant jobs
  • Help good researches to have sponsored publications
  • Communicate with health authorities in Egypt about the related topics
  • Build awareness about healthcare financing systems among healthcare


  • Research Projects .
  • Publications .
  • Meetings/conferences .
  • Policy workshops .
  • Training programs .
  • Issuing advice for public policies .
  • Science dissemination activities for the general public .
  • Educational/Research Grants .

Research Projects & Publications

HTA Road map

  • A roadmap and action plan for implementing HTA in Egypt .

HTA impact

  • Can Health Technology Assessment Implementation Guarantee Cost-Savings in Middle Income Countries?


  • Defining a cost effectiveness threshold in Egypt


  • A multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tool for purchasing oncology off-patent pharmaceuticals in Egypt

Burden of disease

  • TBD

Policy workshops

  • Policy workshops with international parties to exchange experience .
  • Local policy workshops to achieve more efficient health system .

Training programs

  • Short training course for students
  • Short training course for decision makers

Issuing advice for public policies

  • Policy recommendations to mitigate disease burden – based on research.

Science dissemination activities for the general public

  • Burden of disease infographics in collaboration with other entities.

Educational/Research Grants

  • Help good researches in HTA and health economics fields to find sponsors.

Planned Collaboration

  • Universities
  • Scientific societies
  • International authorities
  •  Private insurance
  •  Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Pharmaceutical companies

Action Plan